Drupal 10 project deprecation status

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Run Rector to fix all errors: 5 projects

Based on our detection methods, all errors found are covered by drupal-rector automation (thanks to Palantir.net funding), which should be used to speed up resolving them. Check out the Project Update Bot patch in the issue queue. Get the automated fix committed if all tests pass.

Name and release Status Next step Usage Top X by usage Sort descending Total errors Drupal.org issues
image_raw_formatter 8.x-2.0 Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 775 15000 3 Compatibility issues
taxonomy_image 8.x-1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 84 15000 2 Compatibility issues
layout_styles 2.0.0 Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 47 15000 3 Compatibility issues
webform_email_reply 2.0.2 Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 24 15000 3 Compatibility issues
humanstxt 2.0.0-beta1 Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 4 15000 11 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #134788 from 2024-04-01T19:47. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.