Drupal 11 deprecation errors

Filter errors
All occurences Sort ascending Affected projects Occurs in a top X project by usage Category Message
1 1 10000 Other problem File modules/contrib/tripal/tripal/api/tripal.variables.api.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include.
1 1 10000 Other problem File modules/contrib/tripal/tripal/api/tripal.upload.api.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include.
1 1 10000 Other problem File modules/contrib/tripal/tripal/api/tripal.collections.api.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include.
1 1 10000 Other problem File modules/contrib/tripal/tripal/api/tripal.quotas.api.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include.
1 1 10000 Other problem File modules/contrib/tripal/tripal/api/tripal.DEPRECATED.api.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​bsn_field​\​Kernel​\​BsnItemTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/clockify/templates/clockify-content-add-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_license_og_role​\​Kernel​\​System​\​LicenseOGRoleTypeTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_prorater_stepped_proportional​\​Kernel​\​FixedWithFreeRolloverTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_prorater_stepped_proportional​\​Kernel​\​SteppedProportionalTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_prorater_stepped_proportional​\​Kernel​\​SteppedProportionalWithRolloverTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_prorater_stepped_proportional​\​Kernel​\​SubscriptionWithRolloverLifecycleTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​config_override_message​\​Functional​\​ConfigOverrideMessageFunctionalTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​dmg​\​Functional​\​DmgFunctionalTestBase::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/dotstore/templates/product/commerce-product--full.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​expirable_content​\​Kernel​\​Plugin​\​Field​\​ExpirableContentFieldItemListTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Parameter $membershipLoader of method Drupal​\​group_permission_set​\​Access​\​GroupPermissionChecker::__construct() has typehint with deprecated interface Drupal​\​group​\​GroupMembershipLoaderInterface. Deprecated in group:3.2.0 and is removed from group:4.0.0. Use the static methods on ​\​Drupal​\​group​\​Entity​\​GroupMembership instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Parameter $membershipLoader of method Drupal​\​group_permission_set​\​Access​\​IndividualGroupPermissionCalculator::__construct() has typehint with deprecated interface Drupal​\​group​\​GroupMembershipLoaderInterface. Deprecated in group:3.2.0 and is removed from group:4.0.0. Use the static methods on ​\​Drupal​\​group​\​Entity​\​GroupMembership instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Parameter $membership of method Drupal​\​group_permission_set​\​Access​\​IndividualGroupPermissionCalculator::calculatePermissionsByGroupRoles() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​group​\​GroupMembership. Deprecated in group:3.2.0 and is removed from group:4.0.0. Use the static methods on ​\​Drupal​\​group​\​Entity​\​GroupMembership instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Parameter $membership of method Drupal​\​group_permission_set​\​Access​\​IndividualGroupPermissionCalculator::calculatePermissionsByPermissionSet() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​group​\​GroupMembership. Deprecated in group:3.2.0 and is removed from group:4.0.0. Use the static methods on ​\​Drupal​\​group​\​Entity​\​GroupMembership instead.
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_AMPERSAND_NOT_FOLLOWED_BY_VAR_OR_VARARG on line 207
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC on line 228
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC on line 242
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC on line 251
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting EOF on line 259
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated function libraries_get_libraries(): Will be removed before a stable Drupal 8 release. Please use the new library load and managment concepts described at: https://www.drupal.org/node/2170763
1 1 10000 Parse error Incomplete library definition for definition 'operations' in extension 'operations_ui'
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​otp_auth​\​Functional​\​LoadTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​projects_stats​\​Functional​\​ProjectsStatsUITest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​virtual_select​\​Kernel​\​Element​\​VirtualSelectTest::$modules property must be protected.

Results are from dataset #287957 from 2024-09-20T07:44. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.