Course on Acquia Academy for Upgrading to Drupal 10

  • 3 minute read

On December 14, 2022, Drupal users across the world celebrated the launch of Drupal 10. This version is bundled with a variety of features that enhance the site building experience for the user:

  • Drupal 10 comes inbuilt with CKEditor 5, which provides an enhanced content editing experience, including an improved copy-pasting feature from Word Documents or Google Docs into the content editor.
  • Olivero, a theme known for its accessibility and named in the memory of Rachel Olivero, is the default front end theme.
  • Bartik, which was the default theme in the earlier major versions, is now available as a contributed theme.
  • Claro, an administrative theme with a modern design has replaced Seven.
  • Drupal 10 introduced Theme Starter Toolkits which allow you to generate themes. Instead of subtheming a base theme, you can create a fork of a theme and continue working on your copy. If any change is made to the original theme, you can review the change and determine whether you need to incorporate it in your working copy.

Drupal 10.1 is expected to release with more exciting features such as Project Browser and Automatic Updates. Project Browser will allow site builders to search for modules and themes without leaving the site, with the help of a Browse tab in Extend. Automatic Updates will apply patch-level updates in a separate copy of your site, thus avoiding any unintentional changes in the original website till the update is ready to be deployed.

In order to ensure that you experience a smooth upgrade process, head over to Acquia Academy and enrol in the Updating Drupal Core course! This course acts as a guide to update the version of Drupal core from 9 to 10.

The content is designed to help you avoid challenges that might arise during the upgrade process. A few of them are listed below:

  • Knowledge of Composer commands

In order to use Composer to update the core, it is important to know the specific commands required to check for versions and performing the update. 

  • Module conflicts

If your application relies on modules or themes that are no longer compatible with Drupal 10, you will encounter errors owing to these conflicts.

  • Core is pinned to a specific version

If the core is pinned to a version, the core cannot be updated without unpinning it from the version.

Besides these topics, the course covers the prerequisities for installing Drupal 10, and a step-by-step demonstration of how to update Drupal core from version 9.5 to the latest recommended version on Acquia Cloud IDE.

So what are you waiting for? Upgrade to Drupal 10 today!