Drupal 10 is here!

Drupal 10 is available. Let's talk about what that means for your sites.

Learn more about Drupal 10

Drupal 8 to 9 was the easiest major Drupal upgrade in a decade! D10 is a similarly straightforward upgrade. The tools and processes to use to prepare are the same. Most of the upgrade steps involve keeping your Drupal 9 site all up to date with latest Drupal core and contributed projects.

What's in it for me?

Drupal 10 is a refined version of Drupal 9 with the following key features:

  • Claro administration theme (replacing Seven).
  • Olivero default theme (replacing Bartik).
  • Introduction of CKEditor 5 with better authoring experience and more modern editing (replacing CKEditor 4).
  • Better decoupled developer and site builder experiences, especially for menu and URL handling.
  • Modern JavaScript components to replace some uses of jQuery UI and jQuery.
  • Theme starterkit tools for bespoke theme creation.
  • Symfony 6 under the hood (replacing Symfony 4) and PHP 8.1 required to keep the system secure.
Olivero Drupal 10
Drupal 10 readiness dashboard screenshot
7300+ extensions are Drupal 10 compatible

What will the upgrade look like?

We tracked the status of contributed projects based on data produced by the Drupal Association, like we did for Drupal 8 to 9. The latest update on Drupal 10 was presented by Gábor Hojtsy at Drupaljam on June 1, 2022. Check out this recording:

How to prepare for Drupal 10

Drupal 9.4.0 defined all the deprecated APIs for Drupal 10, so it is time to get prepared for the new major version.

  • Upgrade to Drupal 9 if not already. The tools only support code compatibility checking towards the next major version, so you must be on Drupal 9 for accurate upgrade status information.
  • Install Upgrade status on your development site.
  • Use the Administer >> Reports >> Upgrade Status page to check if there are contributed modules you can update to get compatible and to learn about the deprecated API uses you can fix in your custom code. Use the latest Drupal 9 release to check to make sure all deprecated APIs are detectable.
  • Contributed projects receive help from the Project Update Bot to be compatible. You should use drupal-rector to automatically fix various issues in your custom code. Upgrade Status will help to identify where to do what.