Deprecation of V1 API Endpoints

We will be deprecating several endpoints in version 1.0 of the Acquia DAM API in June of 2022. If you’re currently using or plan to use the endpoints listed in this blog, we recommend that you remove use of them to avoid issues in your integration(s).

The endpoints


We switched to permissioning the API based on user roles many years ago, where access tokens fully respect the permissions of the associated user. Scopes were never fully fleshed out or supported in version 1.0 and were never truly adopted by customer integrations.

  • GET - /scopes
  • GET - /scopes/allowed/{scope}

Users and contacts

  • GET - /address/countries
  • POST - /address/saved
  • DELETE - /address/saved/uuid/{uuid}
  • GET - /address/saved/uuid/{uuid}
  • GET - /address/saved
  • PUT - /address/saved/uuid/{uuid}

Why we’re deprecating these endpoints

After researching the usage analytics of these endpoints for the past 12 months, we determined that customer-based use was non-existent. In addition, most of these endpoints were primarily designed for use by an older version of our mobile app.

Ultimately, deprecation of these endpoints will allow us to direct our resources to more beneficial API development endeavors.


The aforementioned endpoints will be deprecated on June 10th, 2022. On that date, support of the endpoints will end and details about them will be removed from our API documentation.