Drupal 10 deprecation charts

Percentage of contributed projects by next step in usage groups

Larger groups include results for smaller usage groups.

Top 200 drupal.org contributed projects by next step over time

Projects have errors that can be automatically fixed with drupal-rector.

All drupal.org contributed projects by next step over time

Projects have errors that can be automatically fixed with drupal-rector.

Top 200 drupal.org contributed projects by error counts over time

Number of projects by how many errors are in them. No results for projects with pre-scanning errors, counting them as one each for this chart.

All drupal.org contributed projects by error counts over time

Number of projects by how many errors are in them. No results for projects with pre-scanning errors, counting them as one each for this chart.

Top 200 drupal.org contributed projects' errors by fixability over time

Use drupal-rector to fix rector-covered errors. Help expand rector coverage to make all our lives easier.

All drupal.org contributed projects's errors by fixability over time

Use drupal-rector to fix rector-covered errors. Help expand rector coverage to make all our lives easier.