Drupal 10 project deprecation status

Filter projects
Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort descending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
hal 2.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 26806 200 0 Compatibility issues
role_delegation 1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 26814 200 0 Compatibility issues
migrate_source_csv 3.6 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 27034 200 0 Compatibility issues
views_slideshow 5.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 27037 200 0 Compatibility issues
mimemail 1.0-alpha6 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 27315 200 0 Compatibility issues
asset_injector 2.19 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 27612 200 0 Compatibility issues
purge 3.5 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 27812 200 0 Compatibility issues
panels 4.7 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 28194 200 0 Compatibility issues
memcache 2.5 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 28569 200 0 Compatibility issues
search_api_autocomplete 1.8 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 28648 200 0 Compatibility issues
typed_data 1.0-beta2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 28873 200 0 Compatibility issues
layout_builder_restrictions 2.19 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 28963 200 0 Compatibility issues
chosen 4.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 29614 200 0 Compatibility issues
image_effects 3.4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 29917 200 0 Compatibility issues
autologout 1.4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 29918 200 0 Compatibility issues
page_manager 4.0-rc2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 30145 200 0 Compatibility issues
menu_item_extras 3.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 30332 200 0 Compatibility issues
advagg 6.0.0-alpha1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 30466 200 0 Compatibility issues
auto_entitylabel 3.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 30526 200 0 Compatibility issues
features 3.14 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 31298 200 0 Compatibility issues
maxlength 2.1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 31815 200 0 Compatibility issues
symfony_mailer 1.4.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 31942 200 0 Compatibility issues
menu_admin_per_menu 1.5 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 31947 200 0 Compatibility issues
menu_breadcrumb 2.0.0-alpha0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 31968 200 0 Compatibility issues
addtoany 2.0.5 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 32120 200 0 Compatibility issues
masquerade 2.0-rc4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 32262 200 0 Compatibility issues
quickedit 1.0.3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 32588 200 0 Compatibility issues
profile 1.10 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 33159 200 0 Compatibility issues
superfish 1.7 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 33169 200 0 Compatibility issues
entity_clone 2.0.0-beta5 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 34451 200 0 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #134788 from 2024-04-01T19:47. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.