Drupal 10 project deprecation status

Filter projects
Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort ascending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
layout_builder_norender 1.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 25 15000 0 Compatibility issues
eudonet 1.1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 25 15000 0 Compatibility issues
entity_access_by_reference_field 1.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 25 15000 0 Compatibility issues
hero_icons 1.0.6 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 25 15000 0 Compatibility issues
status_zymphonies_theme 3.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 25 15000 0 Compatibility issues
ept_cta 1.4.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 25 15000 0 Compatibility issues
author_bulk_assignment 1.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 25 15000 0 Compatibility issues
cleanpager 2.0.0 Fix deprecation errors found Manually review and fix errors 24 15000 3 Compatibility issues
token_formatters 1.0.0-alpha1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
jquery_ui_multiselect_widget 1.x-dev Release as Drupal 10-ready Make tagged release available 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
jira_rest 4.0-beta3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
webform_email_reply 2.0.2 Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 24 15000 3 Compatibility issues
modules_collapse 1.0.4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
masquerade_float_block 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
nys_unav 2.0.6 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
farm_bee 2.1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
youtubeapi 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
dblog_ban 2.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
pach 2.0.3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
views_tablesearch 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
micro_menu 1.0-alpha6 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
micro_user 1.0-alpha5 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
search_api_mapping 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
bundle_redirect 2.0.5 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
configelement 1.0-rc2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
drupal_chatbot 2.0.x-dev Release as Drupal 10-ready Make tagged release available 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
field_autovalue 1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
payment_authnet 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
domain_role 3.0.0-alpha1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues
commerce_pvt 2.0.0-beta7 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 24 15000 0 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #134788 from 2024-04-01T19:47. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.