Drupal 10 project deprecation status

Filter projects
Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort ascending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
reference_number_trimmer 1.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17 15000 0 Compatibility issues
ps 1.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17 15000 0 Compatibility issues
commerce_shipping_pickup_api 1.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17 15000 0 Compatibility issues
ept_webform 1.4.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17 15000 0 Compatibility issues
migrate_boost 1.0.0-alpha4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 17 15000 0 Compatibility issues
textimate 1.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17 15000 0 Compatibility issues
display_layout 1.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17 15000 0 Compatibility issues
role_memory_limit 2.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
age_verification 3.0.x-dev Release as Drupal 10-ready Make tagged release available 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
commerce_payeezy 1.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
auto_heading_ids 2.0.0-beta2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
entity_reference_field_formatter 8.x-2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 16 15000 2 Compatibility issues
blackbaud_sky_api 1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
drutopia_resource 2.0.x-dev Release as Drupal 10-ready Make tagged release available 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
closest_zip_code 3.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
language_code_formatter 2.x-dev Release as Drupal 10-ready Make tagged release available 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
paragraphs_hr 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
private_message_flood 2.0.0-alpha3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
field_permissions_group 1.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
websocket 2.x-dev Release as Drupal 10-ready Make tagged release available 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
contact_storage_options_email_recipient 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
config_overlay 2.1.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
views_flexible_pager 1.4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
linkychecker 2.2.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
last_tweets 2.9 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
auto_translation 1.0.8 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
onpage_external_libraries 2.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
colonel 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
gitlab_api 2.2.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues
pf_onesignal 2.3.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16 15000 0 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #134788 from 2024-04-01T19:47. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.