Drupal 10 project deprecation status

Filter projects
Name and release Status Sort ascending Next step Usage Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
leaflet 10.2.12 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 19122 200 0 Compatibility issues
login_security 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18997 200 0 Compatibility issues
simplenews 4.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18942 200 0 Compatibility issues
layout_builder_modal 1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18880 200 0 Compatibility issues
file_delete 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18673 200 0 Compatibility issues
cshs 4.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18576 200 0 Compatibility issues
block_visibility_groups 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18554 200 0 Compatibility issues
bartik 1.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18458 200 0 Compatibility issues
layout_builder_styles 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18447 200 0 Compatibility issues
default_content 2.0.0-alpha2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 18404 200 0 Compatibility issues
svg_image_field 2.3.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18355 200 0 Compatibility issues
media_entity_browser 2.0-alpha4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 18350 500 0 Compatibility issues
bootstrap_layouts 5.3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18208 500 0 Compatibility issues
imageapi_optimize 4.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 18128 500 0 Compatibility issues
jsonapi_extras 3.24 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17924 500 0 Compatibility issues
mailchimp 2.2.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17718 500 0 Compatibility issues
fullcalendar_view 5.1.13 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17434 500 0 Compatibility issues
date_popup 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 17177 500 0 Compatibility issues
flag 4.0-beta4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 17019 500 0 Compatibility issues
yoast_seo 1.8 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16961 500 0 Compatibility issues
context 5.0.0-rc1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 16884 500 0 Compatibility issues
consumers 1.17 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16879 500 0 Compatibility issues
acquia_purge 1.4 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16851 500 0 Compatibility issues
scheduler_content_moderation_integration 2.0.0-beta2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 16757 500 0 Compatibility issues
block_content_permissions 1.11 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16710 500 0 Compatibility issues
csp 1.30 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16674 500 0 Compatibility issues
flexslider 3.0.0-alpha1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 16643 500 0 Compatibility issues
jquery_ui_tabs 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16228 500 0 Compatibility issues
matomo 1.23 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16169 500 0 Compatibility issues
office_hours 1.17 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 16103 500 0 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #134788 from 2024-04-01T19:47. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.