Drupal 11 deprecation error details

The #drupal-off-canvas selector is deprecated in drupal:9.5.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3305664.

Occurence count Affected project count Occurs in a top X project by usage Category
39 18 10000 Frontend API
Filter projects
Project Top X by usage Occurrences Sort ascending
layoutcomponents 3.0.x-dev 15000 9
uswds_blb_configuration 3.0.x-dev 15000 5
intercept_base 2.0.x-dev 15000 5
cucumber_ui 1.0.x-dev 15000 4
lb_claro 2.x-dev 15000 2
laces 2.3.x-dev 15000 2
opigno_module 3.x-dev 15000 1
layoutbuilder_extras 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
dempo 4.0.7 15000 1
paragon_themekit 1.x-dev 15000 1
entity_browser_block_layout 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
lb_theme_switcher 1.0.0 15000 1
portfolio_theme_explore 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
darcula 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
moksu 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
ai_image_generation 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
quick_edit_variation 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
panopoly_admin 3.0.x-dev 15000 1

Results are from dataset #399440 from 2025-01-18T13:36. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.