Drupal 11 project deprecation status

Filter projects
Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort ascending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
token 1.15 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 345100 50 0 Compatibility issues
pathauto 1.13 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 311854 50 0 Compatibility issues
admin_toolbar 3.5.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 294841 50 0 Compatibility issues
ctools 4.1.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 271638 50 0 Compatibility issues
metatag 2.1.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 248965 50 0 Compatibility issues
entity_reference_revisions 1.12 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 243264 50 0 Compatibility issues
paragraphs 1.18 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 220703 50 0 Compatibility issues
webform 6.3.0-beta1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Improve stability of the release 217520 50 0 Compatibility issues
redirect 1.10 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 210403 50 0 Compatibility issues
field_group 3.6 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 206112 50 0 Compatibility issues
jquery_ui 1.7 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 205426 50 0 Compatibility issues
captcha 2.0.7 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 162576 50 0 Compatibility issues
twig_tweak 3.4.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 160353 50 0 Compatibility issues
crop 2.4 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 137553 50 0 Compatibility issues
better_exposed_filters 7.0.4 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 136555 50 0 Compatibility issues
linkit 7.0.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 126318 50 0 Compatibility issues
inline_entity_form 3.0.0-rc20 Release as Drupal 11-ready Improve stability of the release 125176 50 0 Compatibility issues
search_api 1.37 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 122730 50 0 Compatibility issues
jquery_ui_datepicker 2.1.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 122316 50 0 Compatibility issues
simple_sitemap 4.2.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 119523 50 0 Compatibility issues
editor_advanced_link 2.2.6 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 114135 50 0 Compatibility issues
jquery_ui_slider 2.1.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 111908 50 0 Compatibility issues
recaptcha 3.4 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 109467 50 0 Compatibility issues
jquery_ui_touch_punch 1.1.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 109131 50 0 Compatibility issues
honeypot 2.2.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 107853 50 0 Compatibility issues
address 2.0.3 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 106293 50 0 Compatibility issues
entity_browser 2.12 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 105833 50 0 Compatibility issues
mailsystem 4.5 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 103708 50 0 Compatibility issues
devel 5.3.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 97283 50 0 Compatibility issues
entity 1.5 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 95333 50 0 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #399440 from 2025-01-18T13:36. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.