Drupal 11 deprecation error details

Drupal​\​Tests​\​BrowserTestBase::$defaultTheme is required in drupal:9.0.0 when using an install profile that does not set a default theme. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3083055, which includes recommendations on which theme to use.

Occurence count Affected project count Occurs in a top X project by usage Category
81 72 500 Drupal API, rector covered
Filter projects
Project Top X by usage Occurrences Sort ascending
download_statistics 1.0.x-dev 15000 5
patreon 4.0.x-dev 15000 3
library_select 1.x-dev 15000 2
views_tools 2.0.x-dev 15000 2
socrata 1.x-dev 15000 2
verf 2.0.x-dev 500 1
views_block_filter_block 2.0.x-dev 1000 1
fb_likebox 2.x-dev 1000 1
token_views_filter 2.0.0 1000 1
paragraphs_viewmode 1.x-dev 15000 1
twitter_embed 1.x-dev 15000 1
password_eye 2.1.1 15000 1
telephone_international_widget 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
login_switch 3.0.3 15000 1
ala 2.5 15000 1
scrollama 1.1.x-dev 15000 1
config_import_locale 2.x-dev 15000 1
wistia 1.x-dev 15000 1
owlcarousel2 2.x-dev 15000 1
change_requests 2.1.1 15000 1
role_based_theme_switcher 3.0.x-dev 15000 1
described_link 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
backup_migrate_flysystem 5.0.x-dev 15000 1
uikit_image_formatter 1.x-dev 15000 1
entity_reports 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
layout_builder_backgrounds 1.x-dev 15000 1
auto_anchors 2.x-dev 15000 1
content_moderation_bypass 1.x-dev 15000 1
entity_overlay 1.x-dev 15000 1
minifier_html 3.0-beta1 15000 1
vidyard 2.x-dev 15000 1
field_group_ajaxified_multipage 3.0.0 15000 1
menu_child_item 9.0.x-dev 15000 1
paragraphs_sets_plugins 3.0.x-dev 15000 1
telephone_type 3.x-dev 15000 1
aweber_block 9.1.x-dev 15000 1
robots_dtap 2.0.0 15000 1
lock_field_values 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
email_verification 1.x-dev 15000 1
production_checklist 1.x-dev 15000 1
batch_resize_image 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
template_suggester 2.0.0 15000 1
token_number_sprintf 2.2.0 15000 1
webform_trello 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
gcal_entity 2.0.4 15000 1
comment_approver 2.x-dev 15000 1
really_simple_google_tag 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
eudonet 1.x-dev 15000 1
disable_route_normalizer 1.x-dev 15000 1
onpage_external_libraries 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
vcard_qr 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
betterembed 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
elastic_enterprise_search 2.4.0 15000 1
bitly_links 1.x-dev 15000 1
repec 2.0.0 15000 1
split_preview 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
user_annex 1.1.0 15000 1
amap 1.x-dev 15000 1
commerce_nz 2.1.0 15000 1
licenses_vocabulary 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
nested_set 1.x-dev 15000 1
track_file_downloads 1.x-dev 15000 1
wsm 2.0.1 15000 1
otp_auth 1.1-beta1 15000 1
commerce_payexpress 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
commerce_securehosting 1.x-dev 15000 1
commerce_trustpay 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
group_welcome_message 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
imotilux 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
ludt 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
onehub 1.x-dev 15000 1
wba_menu_link 1.0-rc4 15000 1

Results are from dataset #350397 from 2024-11-26T11:21. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.