Drupal 11 deprecation error details

Usage of deprecated trait Symfony​\​Component​\​DependencyInjection​\​ContainerAwareTrait in class [redacted]: since Symfony 6.4, use dependency injection instead

Occurence count Affected project count Occurs in a top X project by usage Category
27 24 500 Symfony API
Filter projects
Project Top X by usage Occurrences Sort ascending
profile_split_enable 2.0.1 15000 2
markdown 3.0.x-dev 15000 2
background_image 2.0.x-dev 15000 2
avatars 1.x-dev 500 1
business_rules 3.x-dev 15000 1
view_mode_page 4.0.x-dev 15000 1
http_client_manager 9.3.x-dev 15000 1
opigno_statistics 3.x-dev 15000 1
minisite 2.x-dev 15000 1
purge_queuer_url 1.x-dev 15000 1
media_avportal 1.x-dev 15000 1
texts 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
ip_login 4.x-dev 15000 1
flexmail 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
easy_google_analytics_counter 3.x-dev 15000 1
condition_plugins_commerce 2.x-dev 15000 1
mailgroup 2.1.x-dev 15000 1
queue_stats 2.0.0-beta3 15000 1
subsite 2.0.0 15000 1
cache_browser 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
standalone 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
entity_sync 5.x-dev 15000 1
ereftras 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
imotilux 2.0.x-dev 15000 1

Results are from dataset #350397 from 2024-11-26T11:21. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.