Drupal 11 deprecation error details

Fetching deprecated class constant MASTER_REQUEST of interface Symfony​\​Component​\​HttpKernel​\​HttpKernelInterface: since symfony/http-kernel 5.3, use MAIN_REQUEST instead. To ease the migration, this constant won't be removed until Symfony 7.0.

Occurence count Affected project count Occurs in a top X project by usage Category
15 7 1000 Drupal API, rector covered
Filter projects
Project Top X by usage Occurrences Sort ascending
whoops 2.0.x-dev 15000 7
getjwtonlogin 2.0.x-dev 15000 3
big_pipe_sessionless 2.x-dev 1000 1
reverse_proxy_header 1.0.x-dev 1000 1
hidden_language 2.x-dev 15000 1
jsonapi_aliases 2.0.x-dev 15000 1
yunke_help 2.4.0 15000 1

Results are from dataset #350397 from 2024-11-26T11:21. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.