Drupal 11 deprecation error details

Parse error in composer.json. Having a composer.json is not a requirement in general, but if there is one, it should be valid. See https://drupal.org/node/2514612.

Occurence count Affected project count Occurs in a top X project by usage Category
10 10 10000 Info.yml or composer.json
Filter projects
Project Top X by usage Occurrences Sort ascending
charts_highstock 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
sms_fast2sms 1.0-alpha2 15000 1
json_users_import 1.0.4 15000 1
active_link_formatter 1.0.0 15000 1
custom_node_breadcrumbs 1.1.x-dev 15000 1
content_translation_workflow 1.x-dev 15000 1
correspondence_helper_block 1.0.2 15000 1
donation_system 1.0.x-dev 15000 1
stripe_integration 1.0.0-alpha1 15000 1
wba_menu_link 1.0-rc4 15000 1

Results are from dataset #350397 from 2024-11-26T11:21. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.