minisite 2.x-dev Drupal 11 deprecation details

Name and release Project type Usage count Top X project by usage Maintainers
minisite 2.x-dev Module 467 15000 pandaski, ruwanl, suhyeon, tarawij, jackwrfuller, cb_govcms
Status Next step Instructions issues
Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix some errors Some of the errors found are covered by drupal-rector automation (thanks to funding), which should be used to speed up resolving them. Check out the Project Update Bot patch in the issue queue. Get the automated fix committed first and resolve the manual problems afterwards. Drupal 11 compatibility issues
Filter errors
Occurrence in project Sort ascending All occurrences Affected projects Category Error
3 46 11 PHPUnit API Call to deprecated method setMethods() of class PHPUnit​\​Framework​\​MockObject​\​MockBuilder:
1 5550 4457 Info.yml or composer.json Value of core_version_requirement is not compatible with the next major version of Drupal core. See
1 27 24 Symfony API Usage of deprecated trait Symfony​\​Component​\​DependencyInjection​\​ContainerAwareTrait in class [redacted]: since Symfony 6.4, use dependency injection instead
1 18 18 Symfony API Class [redacted] implements deprecated interface Symfony​\​Component​\​DependencyInjection​\​ContainerAwareInterface: since Symfony 6.4, use dependency injection instead
1 16 9 Drupal API, rector covered Call to deprecated function file_icon_class(). Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Drupal​\​file​\​IconMimeTypes::getIconClass() instead.
1 1 1 PHPUnit API Call to deprecated method assertFileNotExists() of class PHPUnit​\​Framework​\​Assert:

Results are from dataset #350397 from 2024-11-26T11:21. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.