Drupal 11 project deprecation status

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Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found: 3675 projects

The most common and final thing to fix for Drupal 11 compatibility. It is not required to specify composer.json limitations on Drupal core compatibility, as the Drupal.org composer endpoint will take the values from info.yml files anyway. However, it is required that the info.yml file core_version_requirement setting is Drupal 11 compatible. Only make this change if the other problems are already fixed to avoid causing issues on Drupal 11 sites.

Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort ascending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
charts_highstock 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 2 Compatibility issues
ckeditor5_deepl 1.0.0 Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
ckeditor_id_attributes 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
comment_revision_ui 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
commerce_findock 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
commerce_measurement 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
commerce_payu 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
commerce_rajaongkir 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 6 Compatibility issues
commerce_role_assign 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
commerce_shipping_colissimo 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
commerce_stripe_sofort 2.1.0 Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 2 Compatibility issues
commerce_url 3.0.0 Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
concentration_game 2.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
contact_message_permissions 2.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
content_check 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
coupon_after_order 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
createcontentwithcategory 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
dashboards_extra 1.0.0 Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
deactivate_account 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
dependency_status 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
dynamodb_client 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 2 Compatibility issues
encrypted_link_formatter 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
entity_back_reference 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
entity_edit_redirect 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
external_entities_field_processors 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
feature_boost 10.0.1 Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
feeds_ldap 4.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 2 Compatibility issues
field_group_eu_cookie_compliance 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 1 Compatibility issues
fireworksai 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 3 Compatibility issues
laces_base 2.1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 5 15000 2 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #287957 from 2024-09-20T07:44. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.