Drupal 11 project deprecation status

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Stable, congrats: 2328 projects

The project is not only declared compatible with Drupal 11 but even has a stable release with that compatibility. Congrats and thanks to the maintainers and contributors!

Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort ascending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
oembed_lazyload 2.0.5 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2327 1000 0 Compatibility issues
dimension 2.1.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2324 1000 0 Compatibility issues
drd_agent 4.1.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2318 1000 0 Compatibility issues
salesforce 5.1.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2300 1000 0 Compatibility issues
daterange_compact 2.1.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2299 1000 0 Compatibility issues
jsonapi_menu_items 1.2.6 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2298 1000 0 Compatibility issues
slick_lightbox 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2278 1000 0 Compatibility issues
smart_sql_idmap 1.2.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2273 1000 0 Compatibility issues
route_condition 2.0.3 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2267 1000 0 Compatibility issues
interval 1.14 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2227 1000 0 Compatibility issues
pagerer 3.1.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2205 1000 0 Compatibility issues
admin_user_language 1.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2194 1000 0 Compatibility issues
social_auth_facebook 4.0.4 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2194 1000 0 Compatibility issues
disable_html5_validation 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2190 1000 0 Compatibility issues
text_summary_options 2.1.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2190 1000 0 Compatibility issues
friendlycaptcha 1.1.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2188 1000 0 Compatibility issues
at_tool 3.1.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2183 1000 0 Compatibility issues
imce_rename_plugin 2.0.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2180 1000 0 Compatibility issues
forum 1.0.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2170 1000 0 Compatibility issues
turnstile 1.1.12 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2155 1000 0 Compatibility issues
migrate_conditions 2.2.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2118 1000 0 Compatibility issues
contact_formatter 2.0.4 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2111 1000 0 Compatibility issues
nagios 1.20 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2111 1000 0 Compatibility issues
layout_custom_section_classes 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2079 1000 0 Compatibility issues
media_pdf_thumbnail 6.1.1 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2075 1000 0 Compatibility issues
add_content_by_bundle 1.2.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2050 1000 0 Compatibility issues
base_field_override_ui 1.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2045 1000 0 Compatibility issues
ape 1.6 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2044 1000 0 Compatibility issues
ui_patterns_settings 2.4 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 2002 1000 0 Compatibility issues
title_length 2.1.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 1992 1000 0 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #287957 from 2024-09-20T07:44. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.