Aaron "Checo" Pacheco

Senior Product Manager

Since joining the Acquia Boston-based team in 2011, Checo has served in a number of roles, starting off with two years in Acquia Support. After solving over 1,000 customer issues and helping to improve team efficiency, Checo moved into a data analyst role where he worked to better understand the types of problems customers were facing, helping Acquia devise new ways to ensure our customers' success.

Based on his deep technical understanding of the problems our customers faced, Checo was placed in charge of the development and optimization of various automations utilized by Acquia's Support and Operations teams in 2015, and in 2017, his scope was expanded to include cloud.acquia.com and the launch of Cloud API v2.

Since mid-2018, Checo has been leading Acquia's efforts to evolve the Acquia Cloud platform using cutting-edge Cloud technologies and service automations, and going into 2020, Checo will also be responsible for leading the evolution of Acquia's Site Factory product into an even more robust fleet management platform.