Gustavo Semeão Maltoni

Software Developer CI&T

Computer technician from the Technical High School of Campinas (UNICAMP) and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the São Paulo State University (UNESP). Currently studying MBA in Project Management at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). Active in the Information Technology industry for 10 years, I worked in teams of different natures, from support teams to evolution and software development squads. I have already participated in projects for companies from different market segments, such as commerce, fast-food chain, banking, wholesaler, and pharmaceuticals, in which I ventured into a huge range of technologies, whether for the implementation of backend systems or for the development of Web applications. Amid thousands of lines of code, however, it was software project management and the agile methodologies universe that lighted up my eyes! I am currently a Scrum Master at CI&T, where my mission is to lead diverse and high-performance teams, adaptable to changing contexts, and responsible for generating more value for customers while maintaining a sustainable environment for continuous learning and process improvement. In my leisure time, I have fun learning new things, meeting new people, and visiting new places from this beautiful blue planet. Lover of Science, music, and languages. Fluent in English and currently engaged to learn French.
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