Drupal 10 project deprecation status

Filter projects
Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort ascending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
footable 1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 254 15000 0 Compatibility issues
eloqua_api_redux 2.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 254 15000 0 Compatibility issues
js_component 2.0.0-alpha2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 254 15000 0 Compatibility issues
cookie_consent_notice_by_cookieyes 2.0.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 254 15000 0 Compatibility issues
pluggable_entity_view_builder 1.1.17 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 253 15000 0 Compatibility issues
highlight_php 1.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 253 15000 0 Compatibility issues
social_login 3.2.0-alpha1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 252 15000 0 Compatibility issues
openid_connect_harid 3.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 251 15000 0 Compatibility issues
imagefieldzoom 3.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 250 15000 0 Compatibility issues
sitemeta 1.6 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 250 15000 0 Compatibility issues
ckeditor_advanced_tab 2.1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 250 15000 0 Compatibility issues
minimal_lite 1.3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 250 15000 0 Compatibility issues
module_builder 4.0.3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
tabtamer 2.0.0-beta2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
domain_301_redirect 2.0.3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
php_ffmpeg 1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
link_plain_text_formatter 1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
webform_media 1.0.0-beta2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
mercury_editor 2.1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
jsonapi_node_preview 1.0.0-beta3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 249 15000 0 Compatibility issues
ldap_sso 4.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 248 15000 0 Compatibility issues
google_place_autocomplete 2.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 248 15000 0 Compatibility issues
opigno_tour 3.1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 248 15000 0 Compatibility issues
plyr 1.0-alpha2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Improve stability of the release 246 15000 0 Compatibility issues
readmore_extrafield 3.1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 246 15000 0 Compatibility issues
google_calendar 3.0.3 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 246 15000 0 Compatibility issues
tid_to_name 3.0.1 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 246 15000 0 Compatibility issues
lingotek 4.1.2 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 245 15000 0 Compatibility issues
minisite 2.0.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 245 15000 0 Compatibility issues
entity_reference_uuid 2.1.0 Release as Drupal 10-ready Stable, congrats 245 15000 0 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #134788 from 2024-04-01T19:47. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.