Drupal 11 deprecation errors

Filter errors
All occurences Sort ascending Affected projects Occurs in a top X project by usage Category Message
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/moteur/filters/pylot-bridge--onoff.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/moteur/filters/pylot-bridge--option.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/moteur/filters/pylot-bridge--optionbutton.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/moteur/filters/pylot-bridge--slidedoubleminmax.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/moteur/moteur-body.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/moteur/moteur-mobile.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/moteur/moteur.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl-vanksen/liste-mosl.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl-vanksen/moteur-body-mosl.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl-vanksen/moteur-mosl.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl/carte-seule.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl/liste-mosl.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl/mosl-slider.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl/moteur-body-mosl.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/specifique/mosl/moteur-mosl.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/pylot_bridge/templates/templates-bridge-twig/liste/tris/tris.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to deprecated function shortcut_current_displayed_set(). Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Drupal​\​shortcut​\​ShortcutSetStorageInterface::getDisplayedToUser() instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated function strftime().
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​tome_aws​\​Functional​\​DeployFormTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​user_deactivation_date​\​Kernel​\​UserDeactivationDateTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​cert​\​Functional​\​LoadTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/clockify/templates/clockify-content-add-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Frontend API The 'crowd_sourced_popup_style' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/js-cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.0 and will be removed in Drupal 11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3322720
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/dotstore/templates/product/commerce-product--full.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method create() of interface Drupal​\​openid_connect​\​OpenIDConnectStateTokenInterface. Deprecated in openid_connect:8.x-1.0-rc2 and is removed from openid_connect:8.x-2.0. Instead of the static OpenIDConnectStateToken::create, use the non-static ​\​Drupal::service('openid_connect.state_token')->create() instead.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/kinetic/templates/block/billboard/block--billboard.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/kinetic/templates/content/media.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_AMPERSAND_NOT_FOLLOWED_BY_VAR_OR_VARARG on line 207
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC on line 228
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC on line 242

Results are from dataset #350397 from 2024-11-26T11:21. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.