Drupal 11 deprecation errors

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All occurences Sort ascending Affected projects Occurs in a top X project by usage Category Message
1 1 10000 Other problem Fetching class constant class of deprecated class Drupal​\​contacts​\​Form​\​AddIndivForm. Deprecated in contacts:2.0.0 and is removed from contacts:3.0.0. This has been replaced by the AddContactForm.
1 1 10000 Other problem Fetching class constant class of deprecated class Drupal​\​contacts​\​Form​\​AddOrgForm. Deprecated in contacts:2.0.0 and is removed from contacts:3.0.0. This has been replaced by the AddContactForm.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​contacts​\​Functional​\​ContactsDashboardTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​contacts​\​Functional​\​ContactsDashboardJavascriptTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Parameter $database of method Drupal​\​drupalmonitor​\​MetricService::__construct() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​mysql​\​Connection. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The MySQL database driver has been moved to the mysql module.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​appsearch​\​Functional​\​LoadTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Parse error Syntax error, unexpected '.' on line 49
1 1 10000 Symfony API Fetching class constant class of deprecated class Symfony​\​Component​\​Mercure​\​Jwt​\​StaticJwtProvider.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​betterembed​\​Functional​\​LoadTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​social_auth_amazon​\​Functional​\​SocialAuthAmazonLoginBlockTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​social_auth_amazon​\​Functional​\​SocialAuthAmazonSettingsFormTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​user_deactivation_date​\​Kernel​\​UserDeactivationDateTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Parameter $requestStack of method Drupal​\​docusign_esign​\​Controller​\​ApplicationTokenAuthenticate::__construct() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Http​\​RequestStack. Deprecated in drupal:10.0.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. There is no replacement.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to deprecated method isEntityTypeSupported() of class Drupal​\​workspaces​\​WorkspaceManager. Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Drupal​\​workspaces​\​WorkspaceInformation::isEntityTypeSupported instead.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to deprecated method isEntityTypeSupported() of interface Drupal​\​workspaces​\​WorkspaceManagerInterface. Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Drupal​\​workspaces​\​WorkspaceInformation::isEntityTypeSupported instead.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/handicraft_zymphonies_theme/templates/dataset/forum-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/alif_zymphonies_theme/templates/dataset/forum-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method authenticate() of class Google​\​Client.
1 1 10000 Frontend API The 'sso' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/js-cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.0 and will be removed in Drupal 11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3322720
1 1 10000 Frontend API The 'interest_count' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/js-cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.0 and will be removed in Drupal 11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3322720
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​vcard_qr​\​Functional​\​LoadTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Frontend API The 'alerts' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/js-cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.0 and will be removed in Drupal 11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3322720
1 1 10000 Frontend API The 'register_card' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/js-cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.0 and will be removed in Drupal 11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3322720
1 1 10000 Other problem Parameter $membership_loader of method Drupal​\​commerceg_product_group​\​Membership​\​Manager::__construct() has typehint with deprecated interface Drupal​\​group​\​GroupMembershipLoaderInterface. Deprecated in group:3.2.0 and is removed from group:4.0.0. Use the static methods on ​\​Drupal​\​group​\​Entity​\​GroupMembership instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​domino​\​Kernel​\​RerouteEmailTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​devel​\​Kernel​\​SuperAdminUserTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​tests​\​slack_ultimate_cron_notifier​\​Kernel​\​SlackUltimateCronNotifierKernelTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/style_library_entity/templates/style-library-entity-content-add-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Frontend API The 'alert_bar_functions' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/js-cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.0 and will be removed in Drupal 11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3322720
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_moneris_checkout​\​Kernel​\​MonerisCheckoutTest::$modules property must be protected.

Results are from dataset #287957 from 2024-09-20T07:44. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.