Drupal 11 project deprecation status

Filter projects
Name and release Status Next step Usage Sort ascending Top X by usage Total errors Drupal.org issues
moderation_note 1.x-dev Release as Drupal 11-ready Make tagged release available 449 15000 0 Compatibility issues
stripe_webform 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 449 15000 1 Compatibility issues
ala 2.5 Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 448 15000 2 Compatibility issues
basic_watermark 2.1.0 Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 448 15000 6 Compatibility issues
json_feed 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 448 15000 1 Compatibility issues
redirect_after_logout 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Manually review and fix errors 448 15000 2 Compatibility issues
frontend_editing 1.7.3 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 447 15000 0 Compatibility issues
video_embed_brightcove 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 447 15000 1 Compatibility issues
webform_entity_handler 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix all errors 447 15000 2 Compatibility issues
entity_route_context 4.1.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 446 15000 0 Compatibility issues
geo_entity 1.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 446 15000 4 Compatibility issues
mass_pwreset 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Manually review and fix errors 446 15000 2 Compatibility issues
wordfilter 2.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Manually review and fix errors 446 15000 2 Compatibility issues
feeds_ical 2.2.1 Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 445 15000 1 Compatibility issues
helper 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Run Rector to fix some errors 444 15000 5 Compatibility issues
views_fields_on_off 2.0.x-dev Release as Drupal 11-ready Make tagged release available 444 15000 0 Compatibility issues
webform_query 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 443 15000 1 Compatibility issues
elasticsearch_helper 8.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Manually review and fix errors 442 15000 4 Compatibility issues
search_exclude_nid 2.x-dev Release as Drupal 11-ready Make tagged release available 442 15000 0 Compatibility issues
simple_mail 2.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 442 15000 1 Compatibility issues
views_dependent_filters 1.2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 440 15000 0 Compatibility issues
custom_field 3.0.0-rc8 Release as Drupal 11-ready Improve stability of the release 438 15000 0 Compatibility issues
userswitch 1.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 438 15000 1 Compatibility issues
gin_gutenberg 1.1.14 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 437 15000 0 Compatibility issues
commerce_webform_order 3.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 436 15000 2 Compatibility issues
field_tokens 2.0.0-rc2 Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 436 15000 1 Compatibility issues
views_selective_filters 2.0.0-alpha2 Release as Drupal 11-ready Improve stability of the release 436 15000 0 Compatibility issues
advanced_cors 1.5 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 435 15000 0 Compatibility issues
feed_block 3.0.0 Release as Drupal 11-ready Stable, congrats 435 15000 0 Compatibility issues
pfm 2.0.x-dev Fix deprecation errors found Fix info.yml/composer.json errors found 435 15000 1 Compatibility issues

Results are from dataset #287957 from 2024-09-20T07:44. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.