Drupal 11 deprecation errors

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All occurences Sort ascending Affected projects Occurs in a top X project by usage Category Message
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to method __construct() of deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Schema. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The MySQL database driver has been moved to the mysql module.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Parameter $database of method Drupal​\​dbxschema_pgsql​\​Database​\​Connection::__construct() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​pgsql​\​Connection. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Parameter $database of method Drupal​\​dbxschema​\​Database​\​CrossSchemaConnectionInterface::create() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​pgsql​\​Connection. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Parameter $database of method Drupal​\​dbxschema_mysql​\​Database​\​Connection::create() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​pgsql​\​Connection. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Parameter $database of method Drupal​\​dbxschema_pgsql​\​Database​\​Connection::create() has typehint with deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​pgsql​\​Connection. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
1 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Access to deprecated property $termStorage of class Drupal​\​media_taxonomy_filter​\​Plugin​\​views​\​argument​\​IndexTidMediaDepth. Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. There is no replacement.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​save_entities​\​Functional​\​CrudFormTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​simple_integrations​\​Functional​\​IntegrationAdminTests::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​simple_integrations​\​Functional​\​SimpleIntegrationsTestBase::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​telephone_type​\​Functional​\​TelephoneTypeFieldTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/landingpage_zymphonies_theme/templates/dataset/forum-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template modules/contrib/y_donate/modules/lb_donate/templates/block--lb-donate.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​filtered_text_wrapper​\​Kernel​\​FilteredTextWrapperFilterTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​content_editing_message​\​Functional​\​CrudFormTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​formstack​\​Kernel​\​FormstackTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/mobileapp_zymphonies_theme/templates/dataset/forum-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/moon_zymphonies_theme/templates/dataset/forum-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​partial_multi​\​Functional​\​PartialMultiTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script on line 5
1 1 10000 Frontend API The 'l10n_quick_links' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/js-cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 10.1.0 and will be removed in Drupal 11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3322720
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/sector_theme/components/file/file-link.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error File content_export_import.data.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include because content_export_import module is not found.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/clinic_zymphonies_theme/templates/dataset/forum-list.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/clinic_zymphonies_theme/templates/field/link-formatter-link-separate.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/clinic_zymphonies_theme/templates/form/dropbutton-wrapper.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/clinic_zymphonies_theme/templates/form/select.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Parse error Twig template themes/contrib/clinic_zymphonies_theme/templates/navigation/toolbar.html.twig contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​section_library_reusable​\​Kernel​\​SectionLibraryReusableManagerTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​robots_dtap​\​Functional​\​LoadTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​group_clone​\​Kernel​\​GroupClonerServiceTest::$modules property must be protected.

Results are from dataset #287957 from 2024-09-20T07:44. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.