Drupal 11 deprecation errors

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1 1 1000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​address_map_link​\​Functional​\​AddressMapLinkConfigureTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 1000 Symfony API Fetching deprecated class constant MASTER_REQUEST of class Drupal​\​trusted_reverse_proxy​\​StackMiddleware​\​TrustedReverseProxyMiddleware: since symfony/http-kernel 5.3, use MAIN_REQUEST instead. To ease the migration, this constant won't be removed until Symfony 7.0.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​entity_reference_override​\​Kernel​\​FormatterTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Return type of method Drupal​\​rabbitmq​\​ConnectionFactory::getSecureConnection() has typehint with deprecated class PhpAmqpLib​\​Connection​\​AMQPSSLConnection: Use AMQPConnectionFactory with AMQPConnectionConfig::setIsSecure(true) and AMQPConnectionConfig::setSsl* methods.
1 1 10000 Other problem Instantiation of deprecated class PhpAmqpLib​\​Connection​\​AMQPSSLConnection: Use AMQPConnectionFactory with AMQPConnectionConfig::setIsSecure(true) and AMQPConnectionConfig::setSsl* methods.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​views_block_placement_exposed_form_defaults​\​Functional​\​ViewsBlockPlacementExposedFormDefaultsTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated function handy_cache_tags_get_entity_tags(). Deprecated in handy_cache_tags:8.x-1.0-beta1 and is removed from handy_cache_tags:2.0.0. Try to not use this, since its procedural. Use Drupal::service('handy_cache_tags.manager')->getEntityTags() instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated function handy_cache_tags_get_tag(). Deprecated in handy_cache_tags:8.x-1.0-beta1 and is removed from handy_cache_tags:2.0.0. Try to not use this, since its procedural. Use Drupal::service('handy_cache_tags.manager')->getTag() instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated function handy_cache_tags_get_bundle_tag_from_entity(). Deprecated in handy_cache_tags:8.x-1.0-beta1 and is removed from handy_cache_tags:2.0.0. Try to not use this, since its procedural. Use Drupal::service('handy_cache_tags.manager')->getBundleTagFromEntity() instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated function handy_cache_tags_get_bundle_tag(). Deprecated in handy_cache_tags:8.x-1.0-beta1 and is removed from handy_cache_tags:2.0.0. Try to not use this, since its procedural. Use Drupal::service('handy_cache_tags.manager')->getBundleTag() instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​encryption​\​Kernel​\​EncryptionServiceTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​rest_export_nested​\​Functional​\​RestExportNestedTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​monitoring_mail​\​Kernel​\​MonitoringMailKernelTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​monitoring_multigraph​\​Functional​\​MultigraphServicesTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method createEntityAccess() of interface Drupal​\​group​\​Plugin​\​GroupContentEnablerInterface. Deprecated in Group 1.0, will be removed before Group 2.0. Retrieve the access handler from the plugin manager instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method getInstalledVersion() of class Drupal​\​markdown​\​Util​\​Composer. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:4.0.0. No replacement.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to method getInstalledVersion() of deprecated class Drupal​\​markdown​\​Util​\​Composer. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:4.0.0. Use ​\​Composer​\​InstalledVersions instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Class [redacted] extends deprecated class Drupal​\​markdown​\​BcSupport​\​FormStateDecoratorBase. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Core​\​Form​\​FormStateDecoratorBase instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Class [redacted] extends deprecated class Drupal​\​markdown​\​BcSupport​\​SubformState. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Core​\​Form​\​SubformState instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to method createForSubform() of deprecated class Drupal​\​markdown​\​BcSupport​\​SubformState. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Core​\​Form​\​SubformState instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Interface [redacted] extends deprecated interface Drupal​\​markdown​\​BcSupport​\​SubformStateInterface. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Core​\​Form​\​SubformStateInterface instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Interface [redacted] extends deprecated interface Drupal​\​markdown​\​BcSupport​\​ConfigurableInterface. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Component​\​Plugin​\​ConfigurableInterface instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Interface [redacted] extends deprecated interface Drupal​\​markdown​\​BcSupport​\​ObjectWithPluginCollectionInterface. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Core​\​Plugin​\​ObjectWithPluginCollectionInterface instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Usage of deprecated trait Drupal​\​markdown​\​BcSupport​\​PluginDependencyTrait in class [redacted]:3.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Core​\​Plugin​\​PluginDependencyTrait instead.
1 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method convertInstalledToLibraries() of class Drupal​\​markdown​\​PluginManager​\​InstallablePluginManager. Deprecated in markdown:8.x-2.0 and is removed from markdown:3.0.0. There is no replacement.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​block_access​\​Kernel​\​BlockAccessTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​amswap​\​Tests​\​LoadTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_conditions_plus​\​FunctionalJavascript​\​PromotionWidgetTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_conditions_plus​\​Kernel​\​ConditionsEvaluatorTest::$modules property must be protected.
1 1 10000 Other problem Property Drupal​\​Tests​\​commerce_conditions_plus​\​Kernel​\​FieldWidgetInfoAlterTest::$modules property must be protected.

Results are from dataset #287957 from 2024-09-20T07:44. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.