Drupal 11 deprecation errors

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All occurences Sort ascending Affected projects Occurs in a top X project by usage Category Message
2 1 10000 Other problem Fetching class constant EVENT_NAME of deprecated class Drupal​\​mollie​\​Events​\​MollieNotificationEvent: Deprecated as of Mollie for Drupal 2.1.0 and will be removed in Mollie for Drupal 3.0.0. Use MollieTransactionStatusChangeEvent instead.
2 2 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method getSettings() of class Drupal​\​extra_field_plus​\​Plugin​\​ExtraFieldPlusDisplayFormattedBase. Deprecated in extra_field_plus:3.0.0 and is removed from extra_field_plus:3.0.0. Due to conceptual issues. Use getEntityExtraFieldSettings() insted.
2 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method set_language_path() of class GeSHi: The path to the language files should now be automatically detected, so this method should no longer be needed. The 1.1.X branch handles manual setting of the path differently so this method will disappear in 1.2.0.
2 1 10000 Other problem Instantiation of deprecated class Google​\​Cloud​\​Translate​\​TranslateClient.
2 1 10000 Symfony API Fetching deprecated class constant MASTER_REQUEST of class Drupal​\​whoops​\​StackMiddleware​\​WhoopsMiddleware: since symfony/http-kernel 5.3, use MAIN_REQUEST instead. To ease the migration, this constant won't be removed until Symfony 7.0.
2 1 10000 Symfony API Fetching deprecated class constant MASTER_REQUEST of class Drupal​\​ip_login​\​StackMiddleware​\​EarlyIpLoginMiddleware: since symfony/http-kernel 5.3, use MAIN_REQUEST instead. To ease the migration, this constant won't be removed until Symfony 7.0.
2 2 10000 Other problem A file could not be loaded from module_load_include
2 1 10000 Parse error File devel_generate.fields.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include because devel_generate module is not found.
2 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method runJob() of class Google​\​Cloud​\​BigQuery​\​Table: Use {@see BigQueryClient::runJob()}.
2 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to deprecated method getEntityTranslation() of class Drupal​\​views​\​Plugin​\​views​\​field​\​BulkForm. Deprecated in drupal:10.1.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Drupal​\​views​\​Entity​\​Render​\​EntityTranslationRenderTrait::getEntityTranslationByRelationship instead.
2 1 10000 Other problem #lazy_builder value 'mixed' at key '0' is invalid.
2 2 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Fetching class constant class of deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​pgsql​\​Connection. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
2 2 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Fetching class constant class of deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​pgsql​\​Schema. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
2 2 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Class [redacted] extends deprecated class Drupal​\​Core​\​Database​\​Driver​\​pgsql​\​Schema. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
2 2 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to method __construct() of deprecated class Drupal​\​pgsql​\​Driver​\​Database​\​pgsql​\​Schema. Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. The PostgreSQL database driver has been moved to the pgsql module.
2 2 10000 Other problem Call to method setUp() of deprecated class Drupal​\​tmgmt​\​Tests​\​TMGMTTestBase.
2 1 10000 Other problem File modules/contrib/phpexcel/phpexcel.inc could not be loaded from module_load_include.
2 1 10000 Symfony API Fetching deprecated class constant MASTER_REQUEST of class Drupal​\​micro_site​\​StackMiddleware​\​MicroSiteMiddleware: since symfony/http-kernel 5.3, use MAIN_REQUEST instead. To ease the migration, this constant won't be removed until Symfony 7.0.
2 2 10000 Drupal API, rector covered Class [redacted] implements deprecated interface Symfony​\​Component​\​HttpKernel​\​Controller​\​ArgumentValueResolverInterface: since Symfony 6.2, implement ValueResolverInterface instead
2 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method setActive() of class Drupal​\​commerce_product​\​Entity​\​ProductVariation. Deprecated in Commerce 8.x-2.11. Use $this->setPublished() or $this->setUnpublished() instead.
2 1 10000 PHPUnit API Call to deprecated method assertObjectHasAttribute() of class PHPUnit​\​Framework​\​Assert: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/4601
2 1 10000 Other problem Class [redacted] extends deprecated class Drupal​\​contacts​\​Form​\​AddContactBase. Deprecated in contacts:2.0.0 and is removed from contacts:3.0.0. This has been replaced by the AddContactForm.
2 1 10000 Symfony API Fetching class constant class of deprecated class Symfony​\​Component​\​Mercure​\​Publisher.
2 1 10000 Other problem Call to deprecated method getCustomCssURl() of class Drupal​\​pylot_bridge​\​Services​\​BridgeUtils: utiliser plutot getBridgeParameters
2 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to method encode() of deprecated class Drupal​\​Component​\​Serialization​\​YamlSymfony. Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Drupal​\​Component​\​Serialization​\​Yaml instead.
2 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to deprecated method assertNoMigrationMessages() of class Drupal​\​Tests​\​page_manager_migration​\​Kernel​\​PmMigrateWithoutPmTest. Deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Move custom database destruction logic to __destruct().
2 1 10000 Symfony API Class [redacted] implements deprecated interface Symfony​\​Component​\​Serializer​\​Normalizer​\​ContextAwareNormalizerInterface: since symfony/serializer 6.1, use NormalizerInterface instead
2 1 10000 Drupal API, not rector covered Call to deprecated method getSupportedEntityTypes() of interface Drupal​\​workspaces​\​WorkspaceManagerInterface. Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Drupal​\​workspaces​\​WorkspaceInformation::getSupportedEntityTypes instead.
1 1 50 Other problem #post_render callback array{'​\​​\​Drupal​\​​\​address…', 'postRender'} at key '0' is not callable.
1 1 50 Other problem #access_callback callback '#access_callback' at key '0' is not callable.

Results are from dataset #134788 from 2024-04-01T19:47. Report is ran by the Drupal Association regularly.